Thursday, October 23, 2008

TCPDate Server / Client

Welcome to Learn C# - the easy way , by Saurabh Nandu.

This is the implementation of "System.Net.Sockets". In this example we will learn how to use the "TCPListener" and "TCPClient" classes from the "System.Net.Sockets" namespace.
This example consists of two files. The "DateServer" class which uses the "TCPListener" class to accept requests from new clients. Once the client is connected with the server, the server will send it the the Current Date and Time and then disconnect it, and listen for more clients.
The "DateClient" class uses the 'TCPClient" class. It connects to the server on the specified port and send the clients name to the server upon connection.
Once connected it receives the current Date Time from the server and then disconnects from the server.

Execution :
1) Run the DateServer.exe first to start the server .(The server by default listens for connection on port 4554).
2) Run the DateClient.exe which will connect to the server and get the current date time from it.

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1) DateServer.cs :- The Date Time Server

namespace SaurabhNet {  using System;  using System.Net.Sockets;  using System.Net ;  using System.Threading ;  //Import the necessary Namespaces   //Class which shows the implementation of the TCP Date server 	  public class DateServer   {    private TCPListener myListener ;    private int port = 4554 ;    //The constructor which make the TCPListener start listening on the    //given port.    //It also calls a Thread on the method StartListen().     public DateServer()    {      try{ 	  //start listing on the given port 	  myListener = new TCPListener(port) ; 	  myListener.Start(); 	  Console.WriteLine("Server Ready - Listining for new Connections ...") ; 	  //start the thread which calls the method 'StartListen' 	  Thread th = new Thread(new ThreadStart(StartListen)); 	  th.Start() ; 					 	} 	catch(Exception e) 	{ 	  Console.WriteLine("An Exception Occured while Listing :"+e.ToString()); 	}     } 				     //main entry point of the class     public static void Main(String[] argv)     {       DateServer dts = new DateServer();     }      //This method Accepts new connection and     //First it receives the welcome massage from the client,     //Then it sends the Current time to the Client.     public void StartListen()     {       while(true)       { 	//Accept a new connection 	Socket mySocket = myListener.Accept() ; 	if(mySocket.Connected) 	{ 	  Console.WriteLine("Client Connected!!") ; 	  //make a byte array and receive data from the client  	  Byte[] receive = new Byte[64] ; 	  int i=mySocket.Receive(receive,receive.Length,0) ; 	  char[] unwanted = {' ',' ',' '}; 	  string rece = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receive); 	  Console.WriteLine(rece.TrimEnd(unwanted)) ; 	  //get the current date/time and convert it to string 	  DateTime now = DateTime.Now; 	  String strDateLine ="Server: The Date/Time Now is: "+ now.ToShortDateString()  		+ " " + now.ToShortTimeString(); 	  // Convert to byte array and send 	  Byte[] byteDateLine=Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strDateLine.ToCharArray()); 	  mySocket.Send(byteDateLine,byteDateLine.Length,0); 	}       }     }   } }	

2) DateClient.cs:- The Date Time Client

namespace SaurabhNet {   using System ;   using System.Net.Sockets ;   using System.Net ;   using System.Threading ; 		   //Class which shows the implementation of the TCP Date Client   public class DateClient    {     //the needed member fields     private TCPClient tcpc;     private string name ;     private int port=4554 ;     private bool readData=false ; 		     //Constructor which contains all the code for the client.     //It connects to the server and sends the clients name,      //Then it waits and receives the date from the server     public DateClient(string name)     {       //a label       tryagain : ;       try       { 	//connect to the "localhost" at the give port 	//if you have some other server name then you can use that  	//instead of "localhost" 	tcpc =new TCPClient("localhost",port) ; 	//get a Network stream from the server 	NetworkStream nts = tcpc.GetStream() ; 	//if the stream is writiable then write to the server 	if(nts.CanWrite) 	{ 	  string sender = "Hi Server I am "+name ; 	  Byte[] sends = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sender.ToCharArray()); 	  nts.Write(sends,0,sends.Length) ; 	  //flush to stream  	  nts.Flush() ; 	} 	//make a loop to wait until some data is read from the stream 	while(!readData&&nts.CanRead) 	{ 	  //if data available then read from the stream 	  if(nts.DataAvailable) 	  { 	    byte[] rcd = new byte[128]; 	    int i=nts.Read( rcd,0,128); 	    string ree = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rcd); 	    char[] unwanted = {' ',' ',' '}; 	    Console.WriteLine(ree.TrimEnd(unwanted)) ; 	    //Exit the loop    	    readData=true ; 	   } 	}       }       catch(Exception e)       { 	Console.WriteLine("Could not Connect to server because "+e.ToString()); 	//Here an exception can be cause if the client is started before starting 	//the server. 	//A good way to handle such exceptions and give the client  	//a chance to re-try to connect to the server 	Console.Write("Do you want to try Again? [y/n]: ") ; 	char check = Console.ReadLine().ToChar(); 	if(check=='y'|| check=='Y') 	goto tryagain ;       }     }      //Main Entry point of the client class     public static void Main(string[] argv)     {       //check to see if the user has entered his name       //if not ask him if he wants to enter his name.       if(argv.Length<=0)       { 	Console.WriteLine("Usage: DataClient ") ; 	Console.Write("Would You like to enter your name now [y/n] ?") ; 	char check = Console.ReadLine().ToChar(); 	if(check=='y'|| check=='Y') 	{ 	  Console.Write("Please enter you name :") ; 	  string newname=Console.ReadLine(); 	  DateClient dc = new DateClient(newname) ; 	  Console.WriteLine("Disconnected!!") ; 	  Console.ReadLine() ; 	}       }       else       { 	DateClient dc = new DateClient(argv[0]) ; 	Console.WriteLine("Disconnected!!") ; 	Console.ReadLine() ;       }     }   } }

Symmetric File Encryption / Decryption

Welcome to Learn C# - the easy way , by Saurabh Nandu.

Cryptography ..... Storing your files in such a way that no-one except you can view the file, does have a lot of importance today. Cryptography is basically of 2 types Asymmetric and Symmetric. Asymmetric encryption is based on the concept of Public and Private Key's. On the other hand Symmetric encryption is based on a single 'Key' . Hence it up to the person to first send the password to the receiver of the file so that he can decrypt it.
In this example we learn how to use 2 of the Symmetric encryption algorithms namely Data Encryption Standard (DES) and RC2. Both these are Key based algorithms. Here we use 64 bit encryption in DES and 40 bit encryption in RC2 .
Also in this example you will learn how to write your own implementations of the "ICryptoStream" interface.
To encrypt the file the user has to select the file to encrypt and the file to save the encrypted data in. The file gets encrypted with the password provided by the user using either of the two algorithms selected by the user.
Decryption checks the input file for validity and the algorithm used in encryption automatically. So you do not have to provide with the encryption algorithm used. The program reads it from the automatically from the encrypted file. If the password provided for decryption is same as the one used for encryption then the file will decrypt.
Both binary and text files can be encrypted / decrypted .
If you have gone through the .NET SDK then you will find that I have used the Microsoft's Example on DES encryption example and built my code on it.
I will give you a rough Idea of how the encryption takes place.
First the Password given by the user is Hashed by the "SHA1_CSP" class. By default the SHA1_CSP class returns a Hash of 20bytes maximum. As I said we are using Symmetric Algorithms which require a 'Key' to work, so then depending on the algorithm the size of the Key defers. In DES we use a 64 bit 'Key' while in 'RC2' we use a 40 bit key. Hence depending on the Key size we store the Hash of the password in a byte array. Also required by the encryption /decryption algorithms is a initialization 'Vector'. The size of the 'Key' and 'Vector' remain the same. So for DES which requires a 64 bit Key, we use a 64 Bit Vector similarly for 'RC2' we use a 40 bit Vector.
Once the Key and Vector are generated these are feed into a "SymmetricStreamEncryptor" class which encrypts / decrypts the bytes depending on the Algorithm , Key and Vector and writes it out to a File.

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1) SymEncryptor.cs :- The File Encryptor / Decryptor (Only relevant code)

namespace SaurabhCrypto {   using System;   using System.Drawing;   using System.ComponentModel;   using System.WinForms;   using System.IO ;   using System.Security;   using System.Security.Cryptography;    //    Class which will Encrypt and Decrypt files   public class SymEncryptor : System.WinForms.Form {      //    Required by the Win Forms designer      private System.ComponentModel.Container components;     private System.WinForms.SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1;     private System.WinForms.OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1;     private System.WinForms.StatusBar statusBar1;     private System.WinForms.Button decryptb;     private System.WinForms.Button encryptb;     private System.WinForms.RadioButton radioButton2;     private System.WinForms.RadioButton radioButton1;     private System.WinForms.Label infol;     private System.WinForms.TextBox passt;     private System.WinForms.Label passl;     private System.WinForms.Button saveb;     private System.WinForms.Button openb;     private System.WinForms.TextBox savet;     private System.WinForms.TextBox opent;     private System.WinForms.Label savel;     private System.WinForms.Label openl;          //these byte arrays will contain the 'KEY' and 'Vector' used in      //encryption and decryption .     private byte[] symKey ;     private byte[] symIV ;            //This is the constructor of the class.     //It calls only one method 'InitlizeComponent' which draws the WinForm .     public SymEncryptor() {       // Call the method to make the WinForm       InitializeComponent();     }      //This method is called when the WinForm exits and it     //Cleans up any resources being used     public override void Dispose() {       base.Dispose();       components.Dispose();     }     //    The main entry point for the application.     public static void Main(string[] args) {       Application.Run(new SymEncryptor());     }     //Method called from the constructor     //It initialises all the WinForm components     private void InitializeComponent()     { 	//Here the WinForm components are placed 	//I have removed this code for explanation purpose 	//You can get the full code when you download the example	     }     //This method is called when the 'Decrypt' button is clicked by the user.     //It first checks the file type and then calls the required methods to       //decrypt the file .     protected void decryptb_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)     {       //call the method 'ValidateBoxes()' which checks all the fields of the WinForm and        //returns a 'true' if everything is filled properly       //if there are some errors it returns a 'false'	       if(ValidateBoxes())       { 	//if all the Fields of the WinForm are valid then call the method 'DecryptData() ' 	//this method takes care of all the decrypting to do 	DecryptData(); 			 	//after decrypting set all the TextBoxes to their default values 	//this is not necessary but more user friendly... 	opent.Text=""; 	savet.Text="" ; 	passt.Text="" ; 	radioButton1.Checked=true ;       }     }     //This method is called when the 'Encrypt' button is pressed in the WinForm.     //It checks the file and encrypts it according to the algoritm specified by the user.     protected void encryptb_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)     {       //a method 'ValidateBoxes()' is called which returns a true only if all the fields of the        //WinForm are properly filled        if(ValidateBoxes())       { 	//Here we make a call the a method 'GenerateKee(bool variable)'  	//this method takes in a bool value and generates the Hash 'Key' 	//and 'Initialization Vector' which will be used in encryption / decryption 	//it returns a 'true' if everything is properly generated 	//Here we Pass the 'radioButton1.Checked' as an argument since the method generates  	//'key' and 'vector' depending on which algorithm to use 	//so if 'radioButton1.Checked=true' it means we are using the 'DES' algorithm 	//else we are using the 'RC2' algorithm 	if(GenerateKee(radioButton1.Checked)) 	{ 	  //call the method 'EncryptData()' which will take care of all the encrypting 	  EncryptData() ; 				 	  //Set the TextBoxes to their default values 	  //this can be omitted , but its more user friendly 	  opent.Text=""; 	  savet.Text="" ; 	  passt.Text="" ; 	  radioButton1.Checked=true ; 	} 			       }     }      //This method is called when the 'Save' button is clicked     //	It opens a 'SaveFileDialog' and takes the file to be saved to     protected void saveb_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)     {       //different parameters of the 'SaveFileDialog' are set here       saveFileDialog1.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.* | Encryptor files (*.enc)|*.enc"  ;       saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 ;       saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true ;       //check if the user has already typed a file to save in the TextBox       if(savet.Text!="")       { 	//if the user has typed a filename in the TextBox then assign that  	//to the dialogs 'FileName' property 	saveFileDialog1.FileName=savet.Text ;       }       if(saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)       {     	//when the user presses 'Ok' on the 'SaveFileDialog' then set the  	//text of the TextBox 'savet' to the file selected        	savet.Text = saveFileDialog1.FileName ;       }     }      //This method is called when the 'Open' button is clicked by the user     protected void openb_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)     {       //Set the various properties of the 'OpenFileDialog'	       openFileDialog1.Filter = "Encryptor files (*.enc)|*.enc|All files (*.*)|*.*"  ;       openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2 ;       openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true ;       //check if the user has already typed the file to open in the textbox       if(opent.Text!="")       { 	//Then assign the Dialog the Filename from the TextBox 	openFileDialog1.FileName = opent.Text ;       }       if(openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)       {     	//if the user presses 'Ok' in the 'OpenFileDialog' then assign the     	//file selected to the textbox         opent.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName ;       }     }     //this method checks if any of the TextBoxes are left empty by the user      //and it generates the error required     //it returns 'true' if all values are proper     private bool ValidateBoxes()     {       //check the 'Open' File textbox	       if(opent.Text=="")       { 	MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the file to Encrypt / Decrypt !") ; 	return false ;       }       //check the 'Save' file textbox       if(savet.Text=="")       { 	MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the filename to save !") ; 	return false ;       }       //check the password textbox       if(passt.Text=="")       { 	MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Password Encrypt / Decrypt your file with.") ; 	return false ;       }       //if everything is alright return true       return true ;     }      //This Method computes the 'Key' and the 'Vector' to be used in encrypting / decrypting.     //It generates the key according to the algorithm.     //It returns is key generation is successful      //	If the algorithm to be used is 'DES' then it generates a 64bit Key and 64bit Vector     //from the provided 'Password' .Then this is stored in to a 'byte' array having length '8'.      //since 1 byte = 8 bits , hence a byte array having length '8' will contain a key of     //8 x 8 =64 bits.     //We use a 64bit key since DES supports a minimum 64 bit key     //	If the algorithm to be used is 'RC2' then it generates a 40bit Key and a 40 bit Vector     //from the provided 'Password'.     //We use a 40 bit key here since RC2 supports a minimum 40 bit key      //(it does not support a 64bit key).     private bool GenerateKee(bool isDES)     {       //try-catch block       try       { 	//store the password in a string  	string pass =passt.Text ; 	int i ; 	int len ; 	//convert the password in to a Char array 	char[] cp = pass.ToCharArray() ; 	len = cp.GetLength(0) ; 	//initialize a byte array  	byte[] bt = new byte[len] ; 	//convert the Char array of the Password to a byte array 	for(i=0 ; i//if we are producing a Key-Vector for the 'DES' algorithm 	if(isDES) 	{ 	  //initialize the byte arrays which will contain the 'Key' and the 'Vector'  	  //to a length of '8' (see above why we use a array of length '8') 	  symKey=new byte[8] ; 	  symIV = new byte[8] ; 	  //make a instance of the class 'SHA1_CSP()'  	  //this class is useful in converting 'byte' into 'Hash'.			 	  SHA1_CSP sha = new SHA1_CSP() ; 	  //write the Hash of the byte array containing the password 	  sha.Write(bt) ; 	  //close the stream 	  sha.CloseStream() ; 	  //now Initialize the 'Key' array with the lower 64bits of the Hash of   	  //the 'Password' provided by the user 	  for(i=0 ; i<8 color="#0000ff">//initialize the 'Vector' array with the higher 64 bits of Hash of the  	  //'Password' provided by the user 	  for(i=8 ; i<16 color="#0000ff">//if the algorithm is 'RC2' then generate the following Key 	  //initialize the Key and Vector arrays to a length of '5' (see above why we use '5')  	  symKey=new byte[5] ; 	  symIV = new byte[5] ; 	  //make a instance of the class 'SHA1_CSP'  	  //this class writes the hash of a given byte			 	  SHA1_CSP sha = new SHA1_CSP() ; 	  //write the Hash of the byte array containing the user password 	  sha.Write(bt) ; 	  //close the stream 	  sha.CloseStream() ; 	  //now Initialize the Key array to lower 40 bits of the Hash of the 'Password'. 	  for(i=0 ; i<5 color="#0000ff">//initilize the Vector array to 40bits of hash  	  for(i=5 ; i<10 color="#0000ff">//since every thing went properly return 'true' 	return true ;	       }       catch(Exception e)       { 	MessageBox.Show("A Exception Occured in Generating Keys :"+e.ToString()) ; 	//return false since there was a error 	return false ;       }     }     //This method encrypts the given input file in either of the 2 algorithms 'DES' or 'RC2'.     //Then it writes out the encrypted file     //This method first reads the input file to check to see if its already encrypted by this     //same program. If its already encrypted it gives a error.     //According to the algorithm specified it then encrypts the file.     //Also in the first 8 bytes of the new Encrypted it writes out "[saudes]" or "[saurc2]"     //This is done so the while decrypting the program can know which algorithm was used to     //	encrypt the file. Also it used to check if the file has already encrypted     private void EncryptData()     {       //try-catch block       try       {	 	bool algo ;  //a boolean variable to check which algorithm to use in encrypting 	//open the 'FileStream' on the file to be encrypted 	FileStream fin = new FileStream(opent.Text , FileMode.Open , FileAccess.Read) ; 	//Make a file to save the encrypted data to and open a 'FileStream' on it 	FileStream fout = new FileStream(savet.Text , FileMode.OpenOrCreate , FileAccess.Write); 	//set the position of the 'cursor' to the start of the file 	fout.SetLength(0) ; 	//make a byte array of the size 64 bits 	//this is called the 'Buffer Size' of the algorithm 	//i.e. while encrypting blocks of the size 64bits are processed at a single time 	//later other blocks are of the same size. 	//we use 64bits because both 'DES' and 'RC2' both algorithms have 64 bit 'Buffer Size' 	byte[] bin = new byte[4096] ; 	//set the total length of the file to me encrypted to a variable  	long totlen = fin.Length ; 	long rdlen=0; 	int len ; 	//the code below is used to check if the file has already been encrypted  	//make a byte array of length '4'  	byte[] tag = new byte[4]; 	//read the first 4 bytes from the file to be encrypted         fin.Read(tag,0,tag.Length);         //if it contains the chars "[sau" then it has been already encrypted by this program         if ((tag[0]==(byte)'[')&&(tag[1]==(byte)'S')&&(tag[2]==(byte)'a')&&(tag[3]==(byte)'u'))         {           //generate a error to let the user know of the error           MessageBox.Show("This file is already Encrypted or in Invalid format!") ;           statusBar1.Text="Error - Invalid File Format !!"  ;                        }         else {           //if the file if ok the proceed with encryption           statusBar1.Text="Encrypting...";           //set the file read cursor back to the 'Beginning' of the opened file            fin.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);         } 	//make a object of the class 'SymmetricAlgorithm' 	SymmetricAlgorithm des ;         if(radioButton1.Checked)         {           //if the algorithm to be used is 'DES' then initialize the 'SymmetricAlgorithm'  	  //to 'DES_CSP'           des = new DES_CSP();           //set the variable to true because we are using 'DES' algorithm.           algo=true ;         }         else         {           //if the algorithm to be used is 'RC2' then initialize the variable 'des'  	  //to 'RC2_CSP'           des=new RC2_CSP() ;           //set the key size of the algorithm to 40 bits since we are using a 40 bit key           des.KeySize=40 ;           //uncomment the below code to find out the bits of keys supported by RC2 algorithm             	           /*KeySizes[] ks = des.LegalKeySizes ;           Console.WriteLine("Key Sizes Supported :") ;           Console.WriteLine("Minimum Size:" +ks[0].MinSize) ;           Console.WriteLine("Skip size of key: "+ks[0].SkipSize) ;           Console.WriteLine("Maximum Size: "+ks[0].MaxSize) ;           */             	           //set the bool variable to false since we are using the RC2 algorithm           algo=false ;                }         //Make a object of the inner class 'StoreCryptoStream' we pass the bool variable         //containing the algorithm information and the FileStream          StoreCryptoStream scs = new StoreCryptoStream(algo,fout);         //make an object of the 'SymmetricStreamEncryptor' class and pass it the          //'Key' and the 'Vector' this stream helps to encrypt data according to the algorithm         SymmetricStreamEncryptor sse = des.CreateEncryptor(symKey, symIV);         // a little extra feature here to show how to compose crypto          // components that support ICryptoStream         SHA1_CSP sha = new SHA1_CSP();         // wire up the encryptor - hash - StoreCryptoStream         sse.SetSink(sha);	         sha.SetSource(sse);         sha.SetSink(scs);	         scs.SetSource(sha);         //read from the file to encrypt          while (rdlen < color="#0000ff">//set the number of bytes read           len = fin.Read(bin,0,4096);           //write the encrypted data           sse.Write(bin,0,len);           //increase the size of bytes read           rdlen = rdlen + len;         }         //free up the resources         sse.CloseStream();         fin.Close(); 	fout.Close() ; 	statusBar1.Text="Encryption Compelete !" ;       }       catch(Exception e)       { 	MessageBox.Show("An exception occured while encrypting :"+e.ToString()) ; 	statusBar1.Text="Error" ;       }     }     //This method decrypts the given input file in either of the 2 algorithms 'DES' or 'RC2'.     //Then it writes out the decrypted file     //This method first reads the input file to check to see if its encrypted by which     //algorithm. then it automatically decrypts the file.      //It reads the first 8 bytes of the encrypted file to find the custom tag that we place     //while encrypting.     //If it finds "[saudes]" it uses the 'DES' algorithm to decrypt     //If it finds "[saurc2]" it uses the 'RC2' algorithm to decrypt     private void DecryptData()     {       //try-catch block       try       { 	statusBar1.Text="Decrypting...." ; 	//open file streams to the input and outfiles  	FileStream fin = new FileStream(opent.Text , FileMode.Open , FileAccess.Read) ; 	FileStream fout = new FileStream(savet.Text ,FileMode.OpenOrCreate ,FileAccess.Write); 	fout.SetLength(0) ; 	//a variable to check the validity of the input file 	bool filecheck = false ; 	//make a byte array of the size 64 bits 	//this is called the 'Buffer Size' of the algorithm 	//i.e. while encrypting blocks of the size 64bits are processed at a single time 	//later other blocks are of the same size. 	//we use 64bits because both 'DES' and 'RC2' both algorithms have 64 bit 'Buffer Size'         byte[] bin = new byte[4096] ; 	long totlen = fin.Length ; 	long rdlen=8; 	int len ; 	// declare a object of type 'SymmetricAlgorithm' 	SymmetricAlgorithm des ; 	//set a temporary variable to length '8' (we use '8' since the size of  	//the tag put in the file is 8) 	byte[] tag = new byte[8]; 	//read the first 8 bytes from the input file to check which algorithm is used to  	//encrypt the file         fin.Read(tag,0,tag.Length);         if ((tag[0]==(byte)'[')&&(tag[1]==(byte)'S')&&(tag[2]==(byte)'a')&&(tag[3]==(byte)'u') 	 &&(tag[4]==(byte)'d')&&(tag[5]==(byte)'e')&&(tag[6]==(byte)'s')&&(tag[7]==(byte)']'))  	{ 	  //If this is true then the 'DES' algorithm has been used to encrypt the file 	  //so set the variable 'des' to new 'DES_CSP'  	  des = new DES_CSP() ; 	  //set the variable to true since the file is encrypted 	  filecheck=true ; 	  //generate the Key and Vector from the given password 	  //we send 'true' here since the algorithm used is 'DES'  	  GenerateKee(true) ; 	} 	else if((tag[0]==(byte)'[')&&(tag[1]==(byte)'S')&&(tag[2]==(byte)'a') 	&&(tag[3]==(byte)'u')&&(tag[4]==(byte)'r')&&(tag[5]==(byte)'c') 	&&(tag[6]==(byte)'2')&&(tag[7]==(byte)']'))  	{ 	  //if this is true then the 'RC2' algorithm has been used to encrypt the file 	  //so we set the variable 'des' to new 'RC2_CSP' 	  des = new RC2_CSP() ; 	  //set the keysize of the algorithm 	  des.KeySize=40 ; 	  //set the variable to true since it is encrypted 	  filecheck=true ; 	  //generate the Key and Vector from the password given by the user 	  //we pass false here since we are using 'RC2' algorithm  	  GenerateKee(false) ; 	} 	else  	{ 	  MessageBox.Show("File Error !! File is not encrypted by SymEncryptor !!") ; 	  //set the des to null so no encryption occurs 	  des=null ; 	  statusBar1.Text="Error "; 	} 	//if the file is encrypted then decrypt it 	if(filecheck){ 	  //create a object of the inner class 'StoreCryptoStream'  	  //we pass it the FileStream 	  StoreCryptoStream scs = new StoreCryptoStream(fout); 	  //make a object of this stream passing the Key and Vector 	  //we use this stream since it helps us decrypt data from a 	  //encrypted file 	  SymmetricStreamDecryptor ssd = des.CreateDecryptor(symKey, symIV);           //set up the streams           ssd.SetSink(scs);           scs.SetSource(ssd);           //read the full encrypted file and decrypt           while (rdlen < color="#0000ff">//set the length of the number of bytes read             len = fin.Read(bin,0,4096);             //write the decrypted data              ssd.Write(bin,0,len);             //increase the total read bytes variable             rdlen = rdlen + len;           }           //free up the resources           ssd.CloseStream(); 	} 	fin.Close(); 	fout.Close(); 	statusBar1.Text="Decryption Compelete" ;       }       catch(Exception e)       { 	MessageBox.Show("An exception occured while decrypting :"+e.ToString()) ; 	statusBar1.Text="Error" ;       }	     }      //This is a inner class which Implements the 'ICryptoStream' interface     //we write this class so that it will provide us with a custom stream     //which will write and read the way we want it to     public class StoreCryptoStream : ICryptoStream     {       //two byte arrays containing the bytes to be written while encrypting       static byte[] tag1 = {(byte)'[',(byte)'S',(byte)'a',(byte)'u' ,(byte)'d'  				,(byte)'e',(byte)'s' ,(byte)']'};       static byte[] tag2=  {(byte)'[',(byte)'S',(byte)'a',(byte)'u' ,(byte)'r'  				,(byte)'c',(byte)'2' ,(byte)']'};        FileStream fs;       //This is the constructor of this class       //it takes 2 parameters       //1)a bool varable to indicate which algorithm has called it       //if it 'true' then 'DES' has called it , if its 'false' then        //'RC2' has called it.       //2)the FileStream to the output file       public StoreCryptoStream(bool algo, FileStream fout)        {         fs = fout;         if (algo){          //we are here since the variable 'algo' is 'true' indicating that 'DES' algorithm  	 //is being used          //hence it writes the byte array 'tag1' to the output file           fs.Write(tag1,0,8);         }         else         {           //we are here since the variable 'algo' is 'false' indicating that 'RC2'algorithm  	  //is being used           //hence it writes the byte array 'tag2' to the output file         	  fs.Write(tag2,0,8) ;         }       }     //This is another constructor which takes one parameter "FileStream"     //It is called from the decrypting method     public StoreCryptoStream(FileStream fout)     {       fs=fout ;     }          //other methods which have to be implemented     public virtual void CloseStream() {fs.Close();}     public virtual void CloseStream(Object obj) {fs.Close();}     public virtual void SetSink(ICryptoStream pstm) {}     public virtual void  SetSource(CryptographicObject co) {}     public virtual ICryptoStream  GetSink () {return null;}              // Write routines just copy output to the target file     public virtual void Write(byte[] bin)     {         int len = bin.GetLength(0);         Write(bin, 0, len);     }          public virtual void Write(byte[] bin, int start, int len )     {         fs.Write(bin,start,len);     }   }//StoreCryptoStream class  }//SymEncryptor class }

C# - The Ping Utility

Welcome to Learn C# - the easy way , by Saurabh Nandu.

Ping is a very useful utility used to determine the speed of a Network Connection. It establishes a socket connection with the given hostname and sends a Data Packet using ICMP Protocol. The Host then in reply send back a Packet. The time taken to Send and Receive a Data Packet is calculated in Milliseconds. This helps us to know the speed of the connection.

Ping /r
where :
- is the Host Address of the Server to Ping
/r - Optional Switch to ping continuously to the HostName

1) Ping.cs :- The Ping Utility

namespace SaurabhPing {   using System;   using System.Net;   using System.Net.Sockets;   ///    ///		The Main Ping Class   ///    class Ping   {     //Declare some Constant Variables     const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1;             const int ICMP_ECHO = 8;     ///      ///		The Starting Point of the Class     ///		It Takes the Hostname parameter     ///      public static void Main(string[] argv)     {       if(argv.Length==0)       { 	//If user did not enter any Parameter inform him 	Console.WriteLine("Usage:Ping  /r") ; 	Console.WriteLine(" The name of the Host who you want to ping"); 	Console.WriteLine("/r Ping the host continuously") ;       }       else if(argv.Length==1)       { 	//Just the hostname provided by the user 	//call the method "PingHost" and pass the HostName as a parameter 	PingHost(argv[0]) ;       }       else if(argv.Length==2)       { 	//the user provided the hostname and the switch 	if(argv[1]=="/r") 	{ 	  //loop the ping program 	  while(true) 	  { 		//call the method "PingHost" and pass the HostName as a parameter 		PingHost(argv[0]) ; 	  }         } 	else 	{ 	  //if the user provided some other switch 	  PingHost(argv[0]) ; 	 }        }        else        { 	 //Some error occurred 	 Console.WriteLine("Error in Arguments") ;         }      } 		       ///        ///		This method takes the "hostname" of the server       ///		and then it ping's it and shows the response time       ///        public static void PingHost(string host)       { 	//Declare the IPHostEntry  	IPHostEntry serverHE, fromHE; 	int nBytes = 0; 	int dwStart = 0, dwStop = 0; 	//Initilize a Socket of the Type ICMP 	Socket socket =  	new Socket(AddressFamily.AfINet, SocketType.SockRaw, ProtocolType.ProtICMP); 	 	// Get the server endpoint 	try 	{ 	  serverHE = DNS.GetHostByName(host);	 	} 	catch(Exception) 	{ 	  Console.WriteLine("Host not found"); // fail 	  return ; 	}  	// Convert the server IP_EndPoint to an EndPoint 	IPEndPoint ipepServer = new IPEndPoint(serverHE.AddressList[0], 0); 	EndPoint epServer = (ipepServer);	  	// Set the receiving endpoint to the client machine 	fromHE = DNS.GetHostByName(DNS.GetHostName()); 	IPEndPoint ipEndPointFrom = new IPEndPoint(fromHE.AddressList[0], 0);         	EndPoint EndPointFrom = (ipEndPointFrom);  	int PacketSize = 0; 	IcmpPacket packet = new IcmpPacket(); 	// Construct the packet to send 	packet.Type = ICMP_ECHO; //8 	packet.SubCode = 0; 	packet.CheckSum = UInt16.Parse("0"); 	packet.Identifier   = UInt16.Parse("45");  	packet.SequenceNumber  = UInt16.Parse("0");  	int PingData = 32; // sizeof(IcmpPacket) - 8; 	packet.Data = new Byte[PingData]; 	//Initilize the Packet.Data 	for (int i = 0; i < color="#0000cc">//Variable to hold the total Packet size 	PacketSize = PingData + 8; 	Byte [] icmp_pkt_buffer = new Byte[ PacketSize ];  	Int32 Index = 0; 	//Call a Method Serialize which counts 	//The total number of Bytes in the Packet 	Index = Serialize(   	                  packet,  	                 icmp_pkt_buffer,  	                  PacketSize,  	                   PingData ); 	//Error in Packet Size 	if( Index == -1 ) 	{ 	  Console.WriteLine("Error in Making Packet"); 	  return ; 	}            	// now get this critter into a UInt16 array 	          	//Get the Half size of the Packet 	Double double_length = Convert.ToDouble(Index); 	Double dtemp = Math.Ceil( double_length / 2); 	int cksum_buffer_length = Convert.ToInt32(dtemp); 	//Create a Byte Array 	UInt16 [] cksum_buffer = new UInt16[cksum_buffer_length]; 	//Code to initialize the Uint16 array  	int icmp_header_buffer_index = 0; 	for( int i = 0; i < color="#0000cc">//Call a method which will return a checksum              	UInt16 u_cksum = checksum(cksum_buffer, cksum_buffer_length); 	//Save the checksum to the Packet 	packet.CheckSum  = u_cksum;  	             	// Now that we have the checksum, serialize the packet again 	Byte [] sendbuf = new Byte[ PacketSize ];  	//again check the packet size 	Index = Serialize(   	                  packet,  	                  sendbuf,  	                  PacketSize,  	                  PingData ); 	//if there is a error report it 	if( Index == -1 ) 	{ 	  Console.WriteLine("Error in Making Packet"); 	  return ; 	} 	                  	dwStart = System.Environment.TickCount; // Start timing 	//send the Pack over the socket 	if ((nBytes = socket.SendTo(sendbuf, PacketSize, 0, epServer)) == SOCKET_ERROR)  	{		 	  Console.WriteLine("Socket Error cannot Send Packet"); 	} 	// Initialize the buffers. The receive buffer is the size of the 	// ICMP header plus the IP header (20 bytes) 	Byte [] ReceiveBuffer = new Byte[256];  	nBytes = 0; 	//Receive the bytes 	bool recd =false ; 	int timeout=0 ;   	//loop for checking the time of the server responding  	while(!recd) 	{ 	  nBytes = socket.ReceiveFrom(ReceiveBuffer, 256, 0, ref EndPointFrom); 	  if (nBytes == SOCKET_ERROR)  	  { 	    Console.WriteLine("Host not Responding") ; 	    recd=true ; 	    break; 	  } 	  else if(nBytes>0) 	  { 	    dwStop = System.Environment.TickCount - dwStart; // stop timing 	    Console.WriteLine("Reply from "+epServer.ToString()+" in " 		+dwStop+"MS :Bytes Received"+nBytes); 	    recd=true; 	    break; 	  } 	  timeout=System.Environment.TickCount - dwStart; 	  if(timeout>1000) 	  { 	    Console.WriteLine("Time Out") ; 	    recd=true; 	  }         } 	             	//close the socket 	socket.Close();            }       ///        ///  This method get the Packet and calculates the total size        ///  of the Pack by converting it to byte array       ///        public static Int32 Serialize(IcmpPacket packet, Byte[] Buffer, 			Int32 PacketSize, Int32 PingData )       { 	Int32 cbReturn = 0; 	// serialize the struct into the array 	int Index=0;  	Byte [] b_type = new Byte[1]; 	b_type[0] = (packet.Type);  	Byte [] b_code = new Byte[1]; 	b_code[0] = (packet.SubCode);  	Byte [] b_cksum = BitConverter.GetBytes(packet.CheckSum); 	Byte [] b_id = BitConverter.GetBytes(packet.Identifier); 	Byte [] b_seq = BitConverter.GetBytes(packet.SequenceNumber); 	         	// Console.WriteLine("Serialize type "); 	Array.Copy( b_type, 0, Buffer, Index, b_type.Length ); 	Index += b_type.Length; 	         	// Console.WriteLine("Serialize code "); 	Array.Copy( b_code, 0, Buffer, Index, b_code.Length ); 	Index += b_code.Length;  	// Console.WriteLine("Serialize cksum "); 	Array.Copy( b_cksum, 0, Buffer, Index, b_cksum.Length ); 	Index += b_cksum.Length;  	// Console.WriteLine("Serialize id "); 	Array.Copy( b_id, 0, Buffer, Index, b_id.Length ); 	Index += b_id.Length;  	Array.Copy( b_seq, 0, Buffer, Index, b_seq.Length ); 	Index += b_seq.Length;  	// copy the data	         	Array.Copy( packet.Data, 0, Buffer, Index, PingData ); 	Index += PingData; 	if( Index != PacketSize/* sizeof(IcmpPacket)  */) { 	  cbReturn = -1; 	  return cbReturn; 	}  	cbReturn = Index; 	return cbReturn;       }       ///        ///		This Method has the algorithm to make a checksum        ///        public static UInt16 checksum( UInt16[] buffer, int size )       { 	Int32 cksum = 0; 	int counter;  	counter = 0;  	while ( size > 0 ) {           UInt16 val = buffer[counter];  	  cksum += Convert.ToInt32( buffer[counter] ); 	  counter += 1; 	  size -= 1; 	}  	cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff); 	cksum += (cksum >> 16); 	return (UInt16)(~cksum);       }     } // class ping     ///      ///		Class that holds the Pack information     ///      public class IcmpPacket      {         public Byte  Type;    // type of message        public Byte  SubCode;    // type of sub code        public UInt16 CheckSum;   // ones complement checksum of struct        public UInt16 Identifier;      // identifier        public UInt16 SequenceNumber;     // sequence number          public Byte [] Data;       } // class IcmpPacket }

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